
Q: What is OCWS?

OCWS, for Orinox Cloud Web Services, is a solution SaaS that combines IaaS and PaaS services. It provides services which enable to create and manage your own cloud environment. From this cloud environment, you can store, modify, visualize and share your Engineering and Design project data. It uses solutions that integrate ready-to-run IE&D Aveva solutions, Aveva Net, Orinox solutions and Orinox Master settings.

OCWS is powered by public cloud resources: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. It can also use any customer choice of a private cloud (dedicated to only your company).

OCWS encompasses the different cloud services developed and provided by Orinox : Orinox Model Review, Orinox WorkSpaces, Orinox Dashboards and Orinox Simulator. You will find information about each service on the corresponding FAQ section.

Q: Why would I use OCWS?

OCWS is a quick way to set up a new project and to ensure a high production environment quality.

OCWS reduces cost and saves your time:

On OCWS, all project softwares are already pre-installed and totally integrated. Your project set-up phase is significantly reduced to around 2 to 4 weeks. You just need to set-up your account on the OCWS web interface, to configure your Organization and your Digital Asset, with all users, managers and access rights. Also, OCWS reduces the number of IT resources for the creation and non-stop development of IT systems.

OCWS enables flexibility and scalability:

Projects need to grow, shrink, and move. With OCWS, you can manage the Digital Asset accesses for sub-contractors and users entirely as self service.

OCWS accelerate your digitalization thanks to its several services:

ORINOX provides several services that are helping you to accelerate your digitalization: ORINOX WorkSpaces, ORINOX Model Review, ORINOX Dashboard, ORINOX Simulator. Also, on the OCWS platform, you can manage all your cloud environment.

OCWS is safer than any computing server:

Encryption, cyber safety, automatic failover - public cloud’s security efforts exceed any on-premise security. Your data is encrypted while it is in transit and while it is at rest. Moreover, the data sharing on the cloud avoids complex and hazardous handover situation. You can also set highly granular permissions to manage user access within your Organization to specific service operations, data, and resources in OCWS for greater security control. Finally, on OCWS, the project data integrity and availability is ensured, by using servers replication and multiple region backups.

OCWS is available anywhere, at any time, on any device:

The compute power and the graphics processing power come from the data center. You could even run E3D on a windows 10 surface or an iPad, provided your connectivity is good.

OCWS has always up- to-date software:

The software on the OCWS servers is updated by the ORINOX IT team. Consequently, there is no need to stop the people who are working on the project. They get the latest updates overnight.

Q: How can I get started with OCWS?

OCWS refers also to the OCWS website: cloud.orinox.com.

From this website, it is possible to create and manage your OCWS account, and also all your OCWS environment, including your Organization and your Digital Assets, where will be stored your projects. Then, you can also create and manage the accesses of every required users on your projects.

Q: What is an Organization in OCWS?

In OCWS, the Organization level represents an entity linked to a Digital Asset. Each Digital Asset is owned by a single Organization, but members of several different Organizations can be granted access rights to the Digital Assets.

Also, a user can be part of several Organizations.

Q: What is a Digital Asset in OCWS?

In OCWS, a Digital Asset should be considered as the digital twin of a Physical Asset. It means that the content of a Digital Asset should be representative of the content of a Physical Asset. It is not recommended to mix the values of several Physical Assets (such as plants or industrial sites) into the same Digital Asset. This may lead to instability when using the OCWS applications and associated services.

To sum it up, to ensure a proper functioning of the OCWS applications, it is recommended to segregate your projects into as many Digital Assets as you have Physical Asset (plants or industrial sites)..

Q: How can I transfer data to an OCWS Digital Asset?

Even if it is cloud based, OCWS shall be considered as a standard IT network. Therefore the same data transfer methods can be used between OCWS and other networks than the one your organization usually uses to transfer data internally or with suppliers and clients.

Here is a list of some of the possible methods:

  • Files can be uploaded and downloaded directly from the OCWS website
  • The Amazon WorkDocs application can be used via the client installed on your OX Workspace
  • An FTP can be used to transfer data (requires an OX Workspace)
  • Cloud storage services can be used, such as Google Drive or Microsoft DropBox (requires an OX Workspace)
  • A VPN connection can be setup between OCWS and your environment (requires an OX Workspace)

Q: How does OCWS website works?

In order to understand how to use the OCWS website, you are invited to visualise the following OCWS tutorial, which describes the main actions you can proceed on the OCWS Console:

This video has been divided in several tutorials describing the elementary actions, and available here.


For all request and question regarding OCWS, please contact ocws.support@orinox.com.

FAQ: Orinox Model Review


Q: What is ORINOX Model Review?

ORINOX Model Review (https://omr.orinox.com/), OOMR, est l'un des services de ORINOX Cloud Web Services, (https://cloud.orinox.com) notre plate-forme cloud pour le stockage et la gestion des données de votre Digital Asset et une solution innovante pour accéder, éditer et visualiser les données d'ingénierie de votre projet à partir des meilleurs logiciels (AVEVA, PTC Plus, LFM,…).

OMR est une application de visualisation et de revue des actifs numériques, disponible sur plusieurs appareils et systèmes d’exploitation : smartphone, tablette, HoloLens, Oculus, HTC Vive ou écran tactile, compatible avec iOS, Android et Windows. OMR est conçu pour être connecté à votre actif numérique via votre compte OCWS. Il est facile de déposer sur cette plateforme un fichier. rvm ou .fbx, directement à partir de votre logiciel de conception préféré. Notre plateforme capture les tags et informations techniques (1D / 2D / 3D) de votre Digital Asset.

Voir plus de détails sur ORINOX Model Review sur cette vidéo :

Q: Pourquoi utiliser ORINOX Model Review?

ORINOX Model Review est:

  • Basée sur le Cloud : Connecté ORINOX Model Review à notre plate-forme cloud ORINOX Cloud Web Services permet d’ajouter vos données numériques de votre projet d’ingénierie.
  • Global & Collaboratif : ORINOX Model Review est une solution globale et collaborative pour l'ingénierie et la conception, permettant aux utilisateurs de partager, de réviser et de commenter leur modèle 3D.
  • Disponible pour plusieurs appareils : ORINOX Model Review est disponible sur smartphones et tablettes Android et iOS ; PC et Surface Windows 10 ; Microsoft HoloLens, HTC Vive et Oculus Rift.
  • Sécurisé : ORINOX Model Review fonctionne avec les services ORINOX Cloud Web Services fournis par Amazon Web Services qui est conforme à la norme haute sécurité ISO 27000 et SOC 1.
  • Asset Lifecyle Management : ORINOX Model Review est compatible avec la philosophie du Digital Asset et l’approche numérique BIM / PLM
  • Facile à utiliser : Notre application ORINOX Model Review est intuitive et facile à utiliser. Le démonstrateur vous offre une expérience approfondie.

Q: On which devise is ORINOX Model Review compatible?

ORINOX Model Review est disponible sur smartphone (excepté, à ce jour, le Samsung Galaxy S8) et tablette utilisant iOS dans ses versions égales ou supérieures à 7.0 et Android dans ses versions égales ou supérieures à 4.0.
Veuillez télécharger ici l’application OMR pour les appareils iOS ou Android.

ORINOX Model Review est disponible pour Windows Phone ou PC utilisant la version Windows 10.
Veuillez télécharger ici l’application OMR pour Windows 10 ou Windows Surface.
Sur demande, notre service support peut vous fournir une application ORINOX Model Review compatible avec la version Windows 8.

est disponible pour les casques VR et AR.

Veuillez télécharger ici l’application pour Microsoft HoloLens or HTC Vive.

Veuillez contacter omr.support@orinox.com pour Occulus Rift.

Q: Comment accéder à ORINOX Model Review ?

 Sur smartphone et tablette

  1. Téléchargez l'application sur Google, Apple ou Windows Store
  2. Créez un compte ORINOX Cloud Web Services en vous inscrivant sur OCWS
  3. Télécharger et imprimer des cibles
  4. Démarrer la visualisation immersive

Sur Microsoft HoloLens et HTC Vive

  1. Téléchargez l'application sur notre site internet https://cloud.orinox.com/fr/services/omr
  2. Créez un compte ORINOX Cloud Web Services en vous inscrivant OCWS
  3. Contact omr.support@orinox.com

Sur Occulus Rift

  1. Contactez omr.support@orinox.com

Q: Quelles sources d'information ORINOX Model Review peut-il traiter et afficher ?

ORINOX Model Review accepte, par défaut, les modèle 3D issus d’AVEVA PDMD/ E3D au format .rvm et d’AutoCAD au format .fbx.

Q: À quelle étape du cycle de vie du projet puis-je utiliser ORINOX Model Review ?

ORINOX Model Review peut être utilisé tout au long du cycle de vie du projet :

  • Avant-project
  • Conception
  • Construction
  • Mise en service
  • Opération
  • Démantélement

Q: Comment personnaliser le contenu dans ORINOX Model Review ?

ORINOX peut vous aider à personnaliser le contenu d'ORINOX Model Review, en fonction de vos besoins. Veuillez contacter omr.support@orinox.com.

Q: Qui peut utiliser ORINOX Model Review ?

N'importe qui peut utiliser ORINOX Model Review ; de l’Owner Operator, à l’EPC, en passant par l’exploitant de l'usine, l’ingénierie et les constructeurs de navires. Il existe différents niveaux d'autorisations pouvant être attribués aux utilisateurs. Seuls les utilisateurs disposant d'une autorisation pour accéder à des données spécifiques pourront les 'afficher et les visualiser.

Installation, configuration et maintenance

Comment installe-t-on et configure-t-on ORINOX Model Review ?

Veuillez télécharger ici notre mode d'emploi pour smartphone et tablette.


Q: Que se passe-t-il si un utilisateur oublie le mot de passe pour accéder à ORINOX Model Review ?

Veuillez contacter omr.support@orinox.com pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe si vous l'avez oublié.

Q: Comment supprimer un accès à ORINOX Model Review?

Veuillez contacter omr.support@orinox.com avec les détails de l'accès de l'utilisateur que vous souhaitez supprimer.

Q: Que se passe-t-il lorsque ORINOX Cloud Web Services est en maintenance ?

Les utilisateurs ORINOX Model Review seront avertis lorsqu'une opération de maintenance est planifiée. Cependant, les utilisateurs auront toujours accès à leur compte en mode déconnecté.

Q: Quelles actions sont nécessaires pour recevoir les mises à jour de l'application ORINOX Model Review ?

Vous n'avez pas à vous soucier des mises à jour, car elles sont gérées de manière centralisée.

VR Headsets

Q: Which headset is compatible with Orinox Model Review ?

Our solution is compatible with HTC Vive Pro and Oculus Rift.

Q: How to install my VR headset on my computer ?

To install and connect the headset, follow the recommendations of your headset manufacturers:

Q: How to use my VR headset with Orinox Model Review ?

An account to OCWS and Steam VR (please, refer to the headset manufacturer’s guide) is required to use Orinox Model Review.

Once the manufacturer's installation has been completed, Orinox Model Review automatically detects if a headset is connected and will switch to VR mode. The menu will have to be used with the mouse, but once the scene is launched, everything will be done in VR mode.

The details of the remote controls are available in OX Model Review user guide.

Utilisation d’ORINOX Model Review sur smartphone & tablette

Q: Comment utiliser ORINOX Model Review sur smartphone et tablette ?

Veuillez télécharger ici notre mode d'emploi pour smartphone et tablette.

Utilisation d’ORINOX Model Review sur Microsoft HoloLens

Q: Comment utiliser ORINOX Model Review sur Microsoft HoloLens ?

Veuillez télécharger ici notre mode d'emploi pour Microsoft HoloLens.

Utilisation d’ORINOX Model Review sur with HTC Vive

Q: Comment utiliser ORINOX Model Review sur HTC Vive ?

Veuillez télécharger ici notre mode d'emploi pour HTC Vive.


Q: Combien coûte un accès à ORINOX Model Review ?

Veuillez contacter ocws@orinox.com pour la tarification.

Q: Puis-je essayer ORINOX Model Review avant de l’acheter ?

Bien sûr, vous pouvez profiter d'une version d’essai gratuite sur smartphone et tablette, uniquement en vous inscrivant sur ORINOX Cloud Web Services. Veuillez suivre les étapes indiquées pour la création d’un compte OCWS et l'utilisation d’ORINOX Model Review.


Q: Que se passe-t-il si je reçois un message d'erreur lors de l'accès ou de l'utilisation de ORINOX Model Review ?

N'essayez pas de résoudre l'erreur. Notez le message d'erreur et envoyez le détail complet à omr.support@orinox.com. ORINOX répondra dans les 24 heures .

Haut de la page

FAQ: ORINOX WorkSpaces


Q: What is Orinox WorkSpaces?

Orinox WorkSpaces is a managed graphics desktop computing service for integrated plant design & engineering running on the OCWS Cloud, which is powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Orinox WorkSpaces allows customers to easily provision access cloud-based graphics desktops that allow end-users to access digital asset data and documents. Creating new users requires only a few clicks in the OCWS interface Console. The cost is competitive with traditional desktops and half the cost of most Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions.

Q: What is an Orinox WorkSpace?

An Orinox WorkSpace is a cloud-based graphics virtual desktop powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It can act as a replacement for a traditional CAD workstation desktop. A WorkSpace gives access to a bundle of compute resources, storage space, AVEVA IE&D solutions (PDMS & E3D, P&ID or Diagrams, Engineering, Electrical and Instrumentation) and digital asset data & documents. User can perform day-to-day engineering and design tasks just like using a traditional CAD workstation desktop. A user can connect to a WorkSpace from any supported device using the free Amazon WorkSpaces client application, or by using Chrome or Firefox web browsers. Users will connect using a log-in, which was set up by an administrator on OCWS cloud interface Console. Once the user is connected to a WorkSpace, they can perform all the usual tasks they would do on a workstation computer.

Q: Why would I use ORINOX WorkSpaces?

Since the graphics power comes from the Cloud server, the performance is not dependent on the specifications of the user PC, but rather on the specifications of the Cloud server. ORINOX WorkSpaces are designed for process engineers and plant designers to use as an alternative to workstations with an expensive high-end graphics-card. ORINOX WorkSpaces can be used to run computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering software. Additionally, they provide support for OpenGL 4.x, DirectX 10, CUDA, OpenCL and the GRID SDK for application developers who build 3D capable applications.

ORINOX WorkSpaces are certified cloud resources needed to run the best class engineering applications AVEVA IE&D (PDMS & E3D, P&ID or Diagrams, Engineering, Electrical, Instrumentation) solution and AutoCAD.

Q: How can I get started with Orinox WorkSpaces?

To get started with Orinox WorkSpaces, you will need an OCWS account. You can use this account to sign into the OCWS interface console. From there you can easily access your Organization, your Digital Asset, and Orinox WorkSpaces for yourself and any other users in your Organization who might require one.

As an Organization manager, authorized to manage WorkSpaces use and creation, you can add an Orinox WorkSpace, dedicated to an OCWS registered user. Orinox WorkSpaces provide all the resources you need, which desktop operating system qualify to run, all the AVEVA IE&D (PDMS & E3D, P&ID or Diagrams, Engineering, Electrical and Instrumentation) solution. Then, you can select the Digital Asset you want that the user can access via WorkSpace. The user will receive an email with instructions for connecting to its WorkSpace. You can use this same process to provision multiple WorkSpaces at the same time.

Q: How can I access my OCWS cloud admin interface?

As a manager of your OCWS Organization, you can access the OCWS Organization interface console, on cloud.orinox.com.

For all request regarding ORINOX WorkSpace provision, users, Digital Asset team and user roles, please contact ocws.support@orinox.com.

Q: What Amazon WorkSpaces specifications are available within the Orinox WorkSpaces?

You can select 2 type of ORINOX WorkSpaces Bundle during the provisioning request, Design Bundle or Engineering Bundle.

ORINOX WorkSpaces Design Bundle are powered by the Amazon WorkSpaces Graphics Bundle, which includes a full NVIDIA GPU for graphics intensive applications as AVEVA E3D. The Graphics bundle comes with 8vCPUs, 15GB of RAM, 4GB of video memory, and 100GBs of storage for the user volume and 100 GBs of general purpose persistent root volume. This specification fulfils the AVEVA requirements to run the AVEVA IE&D solution.

ORINOX WorkSpaces Engineering Bundle are powered by the Amazon WorkSpaces Power Bundle. The Graphics bundle comes with 4vCPUs, 16GB of RAM, and 100GBs of storage for the user volume and 175 GBs of general purpose persistent root volume. This specification fulfils the AVEVA requirements to run the AVEVA Engineering Application

Q: What kind of GPU is included with ORINOX WorkSpaces Design Bundle?

The GPU used in ORINOX WorkSpaces Design bundles is a high-performance NVIDIA GPU with 1,536 CUDA cores and 4GB of video memory. Each ORINOX WorkSpace has its own designated GPU.

Q: Which Applications are accessible on Orinox WorkSpaces?

All Orinox WorkSpaces include a Microsoft Windows 10 desktop experience. The following applications are pre-installed:

AVEVA PDMS, AVEVA E3D, AVEVA P&ID, AVEVA Diagrams, AVEVA Engineering, AVEVA Electrical, AVEVA Instrumentation, AVEVA ALS, MS Office, MS Visio and MS project.

To activate and use these softwares, you will need to have your own licence files, key or server.

You can also install any other software that you already own licenses on your Orinox WorkSpaces at any time.

Q: Which versions of the AVEVA Software are available for use within the Orinox WorkSpaces?

Orinox WorkSpaces come with the latest AVEVA Solution version and fixes readily available. Orinox updates the software every 2 months. You can deactivate the automatic update from the OWCS interface of your organization.

Q: How does a user get started with their Orinox WorkSpace once it has been provisioned?

When Orinox WorkSpaces are provisioned, users receive an email providing instructions to download the WorkSpace client they need, and how to connect to their WorkSpace. Users will use their OCWS login and password to log in.

Q: What does a user need to use an Orinox WorkSpace?

A user needs to have an Orinox WorkSpace provisioned for him, and a broadband Internet connection. To use the WorkSpace client application to access their WorkSpace, they will need a supported client devices (PC, Mac, iPad, Kindle Fire, or Android tablet) and an Internet connection with TCP ports 443 & 4172, and UDP port 4172 open.

Q: If I am located a significant distance from the region where my ORINOX WorkSpace is located, will I have a good user experience?

If you are located more than 2000 miles from the region where ORINOX WorkSpaces is currently available, you can still use the service, but your experience may be less responsive. The easiest way to check performance is to use the Amazon WorkSpaces Connection Health Check Website


Q: How much bandwidth does ORINOX WorkSpaces consume?

The bandwidth used by ORINOX WorkSpaces depends on the tasks being performed. If there aren’t many changes taking place on the screen, the bandwidth used is generally 1 to 3 Mbps. If there are many changes on the screen like switching between multiple windows, or if 3D models are being manipulated, bandwidth usage can increase to several megabits per second. In that case, we recommend a minimum bandwidth of 10 Mbps. More precisely, for ORINOX WorkSpaces Engineering Bundle, we recommend 10 Mbps, for 1D and 2D application use (AVEVA Engineering, Diagrams, P&ID...). For ORINOX WorkSpaces Design Bundle, we recommend 30 Mbps, for 3D application use (AVEVA E3D, and other CAD softwares).

Q: How many monitors can I use with my ORINOX WorkSpaces?

ORINOX WorkSpaces Engineering Bundle support a maximum of four display. The maximum supported resolution depends on the number of displays, as shown in the following table:

Displays Maximum Supported Resolution
1 3840x2160 pixels
2 3840x2160 pixels
4 1920x1200 pixels

ORINOX WorkSpaces Design Bundle supports only a single monitor configuration with a maximum resolution of 2560x1600.

Q: In which Cloud Regions can I launch ORINOX WorkSpaces?

You can launch ORINOX WorkSpaces in the following AWS regions:

  • West US (Oregon),
  • Europe (Ireland),
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore).

You can request for other locations, including other Public Clouds (Google Cloud, Azure, OVH, Outscale…) and Customer Private Clouds.

Example of additional locations available upon request (non-exhaustive list):

  • France / Europe (via OVH, Outscale, Google Cloud, Azure…)
  • East US (via Outscale, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure…)
  • Canada (via OVH, AWS…)
  • South East Asia (via AWS, Azure, Google…)
  • East Asia and Pacific (via Outscale, AWS, Azure…)
  • Customer Private Cloud anywhere in the world


Q: Can I create custom images for ORINOX WorkSpaces?

Yes, as part of the Orinox additional services, we can create a custom image from a running ORINOX WorkSpace. Once you have customized an ORINOX WorkSpace with your applications and settings, you can contact our support to create an image. This will create an image with your current applications and settings.


Q: How can I contact the ORINOX WorkSpaces and OCWS support?

Support for users are available via ocws.support@orinox.com or by phone +1 346 240 3901. Infrastructure OCWS Support hours are between 8AM and 5PM Central Time. ORINOX WorkSpaces user instruction manuals, videos & FAQ’s available on cloud.orinox.com

Q: What does the state of my workspace mean?

You can only connect to your workspace if its state is AVAILABLE."
Otherwise, please see the list below to understand in what state you workspace is:

  • CONNECTED: Your workspace is started and a connection is established
  • PENDING: Your workspace is being created
  • AVAILABLE: Your workspace is started and ready to connect
  • REBOOTING: Your workspace is being rebooted
  • STARTING: Your workspace is being started
  • REBUILDING: Your workspace is being rebuilt
  • MAINTENANCE: Your workspace is under maintenance
  • SUSPENDED: Your workspace is suspended
  • UPDATING: Your workspace is being updated
  • STOPPING: Your workspace is being stopped
  • STOPPED: Your workspace is stopped


Q: Which credentials should be used to sign in to ORINOX WorkSpaces?

Users sign into their WorkSpace using their own OCWS account unique credentials, which they can reset from their OCWS account.


Q: Can I control the client devices that access my ORINOX WorkSpaces?

Yes, restricting access to ORINOX WorkSpaces is based on the client OS type, and the use of digital certificates. You can choose to block or allow MacOS, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android, Chrome OS, zero client, and the WorkSpaces Web Access client.

Q: What happens if a user forgets the password to access their ORINOX WorkSpace?

They can reset their password by using the OCWS website below.


Q: How will ORINOX WorkSpaces be protected from malware and viruses?

You can install your choice of anti-virus software on your users’ WorkSpaces. If you choose to install your own anti-virus software, please ensure that it does not block UDP port 4172, as this will prevent users connecting to their WorkSpaces.

Q: How do I remove a user’s access to their ORINOX WorkSpace?

To remove a user’s access to their WorkSpace, you can disable their account either in the OCWS interface by the WorkSpaces service.

Has your facility been audited for service organization controls, such as SOC 1 / SSAE 16?

The facility of AWS, exclusive cloud provider of the OCWS solution has been audited SOC 1


Q: Has your facility been audited for compliance with an information security framework, such as ISO/IEC 27001?

The facility of AWS, exclusive cloud provider of the OCWS solution has been audited for ISO 27001 Compliance.


Amazon WorkDocs Sync

Q: What is the Amazon WorkDocs sync client?

The Amazon WorkDocs sync client is a client application that you can install on your ORINOX WorkSpace, which continuously, automatically, and securely syncs documents from your ORINOX WorkSpace to your Amazon WorkDocs location. You can also install the Amazon WorkDocs sync client on a Mac or PC to sync documents across all desktops they may be using. When an ORINOX WorkSpace is launched, users will have a link on their desktop so that they can install the Amazon WorkDocs sync client.

The client can be downloaded here.

ORINOX WorkSpaces users receive access to Amazon WorkDocs for no additional charge. This includes 50 GB of storage per WorkSpaces user. For a discounted rate of $3 per WorkSpaces user per month**, this can be upgraded to 1 TB of storage.

** $4 per user per month in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) AWS region.

Q: How do I synchronize documents between an ORINOX WorkSpace and a Mac or Windows PC?

To enable synchronization, all you need to do is install the Amazon WorkDocs sync client on your ORINOX WorkSpace and PCs you would like to synchronize with. Once you’ve done this, simply select the folders you want to sync

Setup and Maintenance

Q: Does the ORINOX WorkSpaces service have maintenance?

WorkSpaces maintenance window is from 00:00 to 05:00 (this time window will be based on the time zone of the AWS region where your ORINOX WorkSpaces are located) each Monday.

Q: Will my ORINOX WorkSpaces require software updates?

Your ORINOX WorkSpaces provide users with the Windows 10 experience, provided by Windows Server 2016. The underlying OS, and any applications installed in the WorkSpace may need updates.

Q: How will my ORINOX WorkSpaces be patched with software updates?

Windows Updates are installed at 2am each Sunday.

Q: What actions are needed to receive updates for the ORINOX WorkSpaces service?

No actions are needed on your part. Updates are delivered automatically to your ORINOX WorkSpaces during the maintenance window. During the maintenance window, your WorkSpaces may not be available for use.

Q: Can I turn off software updates for the ORINOX WorkSpaces service?

No. The ORINOX WorkSpaces service requires these updates to be performed to ensure normal operation of your users’ WorkSpaces.

Q: How are updates for applications installed in my WorkSpaces provided?

Orinox WorkSpaces come with the latest AVEVA Solution version and fixes available. Orinox updates the software every 2 months. You can de-activate the automatic update from the OWCS interface of your organization. For all other applications, updates can be delivered via the automatic update service for each application if one is available. For applications without an automatic update service, you will need to evaluate the software vendor’s recommended updating approach and follow that if necessary.

Q: What is the difference between rebooting and rebuilding an ORINOX WorkSpace?

A reboot is just the same as a regular operating system (OS) reboot. A rebuild will retain the user volume on the WorkSpace (D:) but will return the WorkSpace to its original state (any changes made to the system drive (C:) will not be retained).

Q: How do I remove an ORINOX WorkSpace I no longer require?

To remove a WorkSpace you no longer require, you can “delete” the Workspace. This will remove the underlying instance supporting the WorkSpace and the WorkSpace will no longer exist. Deleting a WorkSpace will also remove any data stored on the volumes attached to the WorkSpace, so please confirm you have saved any data you must keep prior to deleting a WorkSpace.

Q: Can I provide more than one ORINOX Workspace per user?

No. You can currently only provide one WorkSpace for each user.

Q: How many ORINOX WorkSpaces can I launch?

You can launch as many ORINOX WorkSpaces as you need. ORINOX WorkSpaces sets default limits, but you can request an increase in these limits by asking our support ocws.support@orinox.com

Q: Is there a minimum number of ORINOX WorkSpaces or users I must provision?

No. There is no minimum requirement.

Q: What is the network bandwidth that I need to use my ORINOX WorkSpace?

The bandwidth needed to use your WorkSpace depends on what you're doing on your WorkSpace. For general office productivity use, we recommend a bandwidth download speed of minimum 3 Mbps (optimal 10Mbps). For graphics intensive work, we recommend bandwidth download speeds of minimum 10 Mbps (optimal 30 Mbps).

Q: What is the maximum network latency recommended while accessing a Workspace?

While the remoting protocol has a maximum round trip latency recommendation of 250 ms, the best user experience will be achieved at less than 100 ms.

Q: Does Orinox WorkSpaces need any Quality of Service configurations to be updated on my network?

If you wish to implement Quality of Service on your network for WorkSpaces traffic, you should prioritize Orinox Workspaces interactive video stream which is comprised of real time traffic on UDP port 4172. If possible, this traffic should be prioritized just after VoIP to provide the best user experience.

Q: Which AWS regions does ORINOX WorkSpaces support?

You can launch ORINOX WorkSpaces in the US West (Oregon)

Additional location coming on Q4 2017:

Europe (Ireland)

Asia Pacific (Singapore)


Additional location coming on 2018 or on Enterprise account demand:

  • US East (N. Virginia)
  • Europe (Frankfurt)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • AWS Regions.

Pricing and Billing

Q: How much does an ORINOX WorkSpace cost?

Please contact ocws@orinox.com for pricing..

Printing from ORINOX WorkSpaces

Q: Can I print from my ORINOX WorkSpace?

Yes, ORINOX WorkSpaces supports local printers, network printers and cloud printing services.

Q: Which printer is set as the default in my ORINOX WorkSpace?

If you have a local printer configured on the Windows or Mac computer you use to connect to your ORINOX WorkSpace, then that printer will be set as the default printer when you connect to your WorkSpace.

Q: How do I print to my local printer?

If you have a local printer configured, it will be selected by default. If not, you will need to configure a local printer outside of your WorkSpace. Once this is completed, select your local printer from the print menu and select print.

Q: Why can’t I see my local printer from the printing menu?

Most printers are already supported by ORINOX WorkSpaces. If your printer is not recognized, you may need to install the appropriate device driver on your WorkSpace.

Q: How do I print to a network printer?

Any printer which is on the same network as your ORINOX WorkSpace and is supported by Windows Server 2016 can be added as a network printer. Once a network printer is added, it can be selected for printing from within an application.

Q: Can I use my ORINOX WorkSpace with a cloud printing service?

You can use cloud printing services with your WorkSpace including, but not limited to, Cortado ThinPrint® and Google Cloud Print.

Q: Can I print from my tablet or Chromebook?

The ORINOX WorkSpaces clients for tablets and Chromebook support cloud printing services include, but not limited to, Cortado ThinPrint® and Google Cloud Print. Local and network printing are not currently supported.

Haut de la page

FAQ: Dashboard


Q: Qu’est-ce que ORINOX DashBoard ?

ORINOX DashBoard est un service Cloud de gestion de l’information propulséee par AVEVA NET, AVEVA LFM NetView et AVEVA ISM. Il s’agit d’une solution en ligne dédiée au management de l’information, et utilisée principalement pour répondre aux besoins de l’engineering, des opérations et de la maintenance. ORINOX DashBoard peut afficher des données de sources multiples, peu importe leur format. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de gérer tous types de données, et de les consulter facilement sur tout appareil disposant d’un accès à Internet. Les informations sont automatiquement reliées à leurs documents parents via un système de tag, la hiérarchie de documentation est donc automatiquement intégrée.

Notre expertise sur les outils AVEVA NET, AVEVA LFM NetView et AVEVA ISM nous a permis de sélectionner la meilleure des architecture cloud. Nous avons chois AMAZON Web Services (AWS) comme plate-forme d’hébergement. Celle-ci nous permet de maintenir les solutions et les données de nos clients avec des services haute disponibilité, haute évolutivité et haute sécurité.

Plus de détails sur ORINOX DashBoard sont disponibles dans cette vidéo :

Q: Pourquoi utiliser ORINOX DashBoard ?

ORINOX DashBoard permet une utilisation plus efficace des informations du projet, grâce à sa logique data-centrée: la donnée est unique, provient d’une seule source, et est disponible pour tous les utilisateurs. Etant donné que chaque data est validée avant chargement sur la plateforme : la qualité des données est augmentée, contribuant ainsi à diminuer le taux d’erreurs, les reworks et les délais. Grace à la neutralité du format des données, les besoins en licences, administrations de logiciel et leurs couts associés sont réduits : les utilisateurs ont seulement besoin d’un accès internet pour consulter les plans et modèles 3D sur ORINOX Dashboard.

Q: Comment puis-je accéder à ORINOX DashBoard ?

Vous devez disposer d’un compte OCWS. Depuis votre navigateur internet, vous serez en mesure d’accéder à ORINOX Dashboard via une URL qui vous sera fournie pour votre projet.

Q: Quel navigateur internet puis-je utiliser pour accéder à ORINOX DashBoard ?

ORINOX DashBoard est compatible avec Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 et versions supérieures, et Google Chrome. ORINOX DashBoard n’est pas compatible avec Microsoft Edge.

Q: Avec quelle version de Windows ORINOX DashBoard est-il compatible ?

ORINOX DashBoard est compatible avec Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Il est compatible en consultation de données sur tous types d’appareils disposant d’un accès internet.

Q: Is the information in ORINOX DashBoard secure ?

Oui, car ORINOX DashBoard est accessible via HTTPS (HTTP Secure) qui est une adaptation de l’HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) pour une communication sécurisée en réseau. Les documents sont quant à eux cryptés, et stockés dans des dossiers cryptés sur le serveur web.

Q: Quels types de fichiers ORINOX DashBoard peut-il processer et afficher ?

ORINOX DashBoard accepte les formats par défaut de tous les produits AVEVA, Intergraph, Bentley Systems, Microsoft Office et Adobe PDF. Il est également possible d’y rattacher de nombreux systèmes externes, en fonction des besoins : c’est entièrement customisable.

Q: A quelle étape du projet puis-je utiliser ORINOX DashBoard ?

ORINOX DashBoard peut être utilisé durant tout le cycle de vie du projet:

  • Pré-Projet
  • Conception
  • Construction
  • Mise en service
  • Opération
  • Déclassement

Q: Comment puis-je customiser le contenu d’ORINOX DashBoard ?

ORINOX peut vous aider à customiser le contenu de votre ORINOX DashBoard, selon vos besoins.

Q: Qui peut utiliser ORINOX DashBoard ?

Tout le monde peut utiliser ORINOX DashBoard, de l’OO à l’EPC. Il existe différents niveaux d’accès qui peuvent être assignés aux données nécessitant un accès réduit ou sécurisé. Seuls les utilisateurs ayant le niveau de permission requis seront en mesure d’accéder à ces données.

Q: A quelle(s) norme(s) ORINOX DashBoard répond-il ?

Les données d’ORINOX DashBoard sont conformes à la norme ISO 15926. Elles sont au format XML et publiées dans la base de données SQL.

Q: Quels sont les services proposés par ORINOX pour ORINOX DashBoard ?

ORINOX vous accompagne tout au long de votre projet, afin de répondre à vos attentes et d’atteindre vos objectifs :

  • Mise en place, comprenant l’installation, le déploiement, et la customisation
  • Administration pour définir les règles, le paramétrage et la maintenance
  • Déploiement pour des projets spécifiques
  • Formation des utilisateurs : comment explorer, accéder, et tagger la data
  • Consultation et expertise pour des solutions optimisées

Q: Quelle est la limite maximum de tags et de documents pouvant être chargés sur ORINOX Dashboard ?

Il n’y a pas de limite maximum. Les données sont stockées sur les bases de données Microsoft SQL.

Q: Qui s’occupe de charger les données sur ORINOX DashBoard ?

Les données sont publiées automatiquement via une tache programmée dans OCWS. Un administrateur désigné pourra également charger les données sur ORINOX DashBoard si besoin.


Q: Combien coute ORINOX DashBoard ?

Pour toute demande de prix, contactez-nous ocws@Orinox.com.

Q: Puis-je essayer ORINOX DashBoard avant d’acheter ?

Oui, vous pouvez essayer ORINOX DashBoard en accédant à notre démonstrateur :


Q: Que faire si je reçois un message d’erreur lorsque j’accède à ORINOX DashBoard ?

N’essayez pas de le résoudre vous-même. Notez l’intégralité du message d’erreur et envoyez-le à ocws@Orinox.com. ORINOX vous répondra dans un délai de 24 heures.

Q: Comment savoir si je suis connecté(e) avec le bon login ?

Cliquez sur l’icône utilisateur en haut à droite : le nom de l’utilisateur connecté apparait

Installation et Maintenance

Q: Quelle bande passante dois-je utiliser pour mon ORINOX DashBoard ?

Une vitesse minimum de 30 mbps est requise pour utiliser ORINOX DashBoard. Une bande passante plus élevée est recommandée pour de meilleures performances.

Q: Quelle est la latence réseau maximale recommandée lors de l'accès à un Workspace ?

Vous pouvez vérifier la latence de votre réseau en accédant à l’OCWS Connection Health Check sur https://ocws-health.corexpert.net

Q: Comment faire lorsqu’un utilisateur oublie son mot de passe pour accéder à ORINOX DashBoard ?

Contactez ocws@Orinox.com pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.

Q: Comment puis-je retirer l’accès d’un utilisateur à ORINOX DashBoard ?

Contactez ocws@Orinox.com avec les détails de l’utilisateur dont vous souhaitez supprimer l’accès.

Q: ORINOX DashBoard a-t-il un service de maintenance ?

Oui, ORINOX gère cette maintenance. Les utilisateurs d’ORINOX DashBoard seront notifiés lorsqu’une opération de maintenance sera programmée.

Q: ORINOX DashBoard a-t-il besoin de mises à jour ?

Les mises à jour d’ORINOX DashBoard sont centralisées et s’appliquent uniquement sur les nouvelles versions.

Q: Quelles sont les actions nécessaires pour recevoir les mises à jour d’ORINOX DashBoard ?

Vous n’avez pas à vous inquiéter des mises à jour, étant donné qu’elles sont centralisées.

Q: Est-il possible de désactiver les mises à jour d’ORINOX DashBoard ?

Les mises à jour sont centralisées, et tous les utilisateurs recevront une nouvelle version d’ORINOX DashBoard. Avant d’upgrader vers la nouvelle version, ils seront avertis de l’échéance de la mise à jour. Les utilisateurs peuvent également choisir de désactiver les mises à jour pour des besoins spécifiques, mais cela nécessite une mise en place particulière d’ORINOX DashBoard.

Q: Comment supprimer ORINOX DashBoard s’il n’est plus utilisé ?

Si vous n’avez plus besoin d’accéder à ORINOX DashBoard, contactez ocws@Orinox.com. Vos accès utilisateurs seront supprimés du système.

FAQ: ORINOX Simulator


Q: What is ORINOX Simulator?

ORINOX Simulator is based on the Unity gaming technology. The Unity gaming platform is used by thousands of game designers, and millions of users. This ensures that the system is open and adaptable without requiring the help of the vendor.
ORINOX simulator is a modern and ergonomic solution offering a unique way of unlimited creation of scenarios in autonomy which is the strong differentiator of the ORINOX solution compared to other solutions in the market.

The simulator can be used for several different kinds of training:

  • Familiarisation or induction training at the reception of the facility, or before a visitor or operator arrives
  • Emergency response training in a class room environment (based on the official facility response scenarios)
  • Operator/Maintenance training (for the operations staff to train themselves autonomously

The ORINOX simulator enables interactive multi-player training of process plants and facilities directly from a 3D design model – even before the plant has been built.
It is suitable for use on a normal computer, but also for a variety of virtual reality (VR) devices which make the experience more realistic or “immersive”, hence the name.

There are two main modules in the same application: the trainer module (Scenario Editor), and the user module (Scenario Player).
Just like in a game, the simulator can provide different difficulty levels.
For a beginner there is a high degree of hints and help to guide him to a quick successful experience
For the experienced, the hints are minimal, or none.

See more details on ORINOX Simulator on this video:

Q: Why using ORINOX Simulator?

ORINOX Simulator is:

  • Cloud-based: Connect ORINOX Simulator to our cloud based platform ORINOX Cloud Web Services to add your digital asset data.
  • Global & collaborative: ORINOX Simulator is a global and collaborative solution for engineering and design, allowing users to share, review and comment.
  • Multi-device ready: ORINOX Simulator is available for Windows 10 PC and Surface; Microsoft Hololens, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
  • Secure: ORINOX Simulator runs with ORINOX Cloud Web Services powered by Amazon Web Services. Compliant with high secure standard ISO 27000 and SOC 1.
  • Asset Lifecyle Management: ORINOX Simulator is compliant with digital asset, digital twin BIM/PLM approach.
  • Easy to use: Our ORINOX Simulator app is intuitive and easy to use. The demonstrator provides you an in-depth experience.
  • Limitless range of scenarios : A training instructor can easily use the Scenario Editor to build an unlimited number of scenarios, and does not require special simulation, game programming or scripting skills.

Q: On which device is ORINOX Simulator compatible?

ORINOX Simulator is available for VR and Windows 10 or higher.

Please download this app Here.

Q: How do I access to ORINOX Simulator?

On PC or VR device

  1. Create an ORINOX Cloud Web Services account by registering you on OCWS.
  2. Download the app on our website here.
  3. Install the executable on your computer (follow step by step of the executable).
  4. Once the installation is done, connect using your OCWS account created in step 1.
  5. During the first run, the application will guide you for your first user experience.

Q: What information sources can ORINOX Simulator process and display?

3D model in one of the following formats :

  • RVM from PDMS or E3D native format(1)
  • FBX with proper hierarchy(2)
(1) If the PDMS or E3D model contains elements imported from third-party software (SolidWorks for example) it’s possible that these elements slow down the conversion process and reduce the performance of the 3D rendering into ORINOX Simulator solution. In this case it’s possible that the CLIENT needs to recreate these elements in native PDMS/E3D primitives before converting them in ORNOX Simulator format.
(2) It is necessary that the last level of the hierarchy is the one which includes the tags.

Data informations/attributes are injected via XML files. (consult the user manual to know the procedure)

ORINOX is able to realize many integration services, contact us for more information. support@orinox.com

Q: How do I customize the content in ORINOX Simulator?

ORINOX can help customize the content in ORINOX Simulator, based on your requirements and needs. Please contact us at support@orinox.com.

Hardware and software specification recommended

  • RAM: 16GB (2x8GB)
  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400HQ CPU @ 2.8GHz (4 CPUs)
  • Graphics Card (NVIDIA): GeForce GTX 970 or better (2GB memory +)
  • Hard Drive: 220GB SSD Solid State Drive for boot disk
  • Available Hard Drive Space: 500MB for Applications
  • Operating System(s): Windows 10 (64bit) or higher
  • CLIENT Components : DirectX 9 (Managed), DirectX 11, .Net 4.5

* It is also possible to perform Application streaming via virtualization solutions in the case of a Cloud architecture. This kind of solution allows to open the software on any computer (even below the hardware requirement given above). Contact us to have more information.

Setup, Configuration and Maintenance

Q: Where i can found the user manual?

Please download our user manual.

Q: I can not install the application, how?

You must have administrator rights on your computer to install and update our solution.

Q: What actions are needed to receive updates for the ORINOX Simulator app?

You do not have to worry about updates, as this is managed centrally.

Q: How do I remove an OCWS account no longer required?

If you no longer require access to ORINOX Simulator, please contact ocws@orinox.com. Your user credentials will be removed from the system.

VR Headsets

Q: Which headset is compatible with Orinox Simulator ?

Our solution is compatible with HTC Vive Pro and Oculus Rift.

Q: How to install my VR headset on my computer ?

To install and connect the headset, follow the recommendations of your headset manufacturers:

Q: How to use my VR headset with Orinox Simulator ?

An account to OCWS and Steam VR (please, refer to the headset manufacturer’s guide) is required to use Orinox Simulator.

Once the manufacturer's installation has been completed, Orinox Simulator automatically detects if a headset is connected and will switch to VR mode. The menu will have to be used with the mouse, but once the scene is launched, everything will be done in VR mode.

The details of the remote controls are available in OX Simulator user guide.


Q: How much does an ORINOX Simulator account cost?

Please see ORINOX Simulator webpage for pricing.

Q: Can I try out ORINOX Simulator before purchasing it?

Of course, you can enjoy a free demo, only by registering on ORINOX Cloud Web Services. Please follow the steps indicated for registration and use of ORINOX Simulator.


Q: What happens if I receive an error message while accessing or using ORINOX Simulator ?

Do not attempt to resolve the error. Note down the error message and send the complete detail to support@orinox.com. ORINOX will respond within 24 hours.